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100-year-old woman regains PH citizenship

(UPDATE) A 100-YEAR-OLD woman of Filipino descent became the «first dual citizen» of 2025 after she reacquired her Philippine citizenship, the Philippine Embassy in Washington said.

Loreto Noguera took her oath of allegiance to the Philippines on Jan. 2. It was administered by Consul Barbie Rosales, the embassy said.

«Her milestone not only celebrates her personal journey but also underscores the deep and enduring connection many Filipinos in the United States feel towards their homeland,» the embassy posted on Facebook.

The Dual Citizenship Law or Republic Act 9225 allows natural-born Filipinos who have become naturalized citizens of another country to retain their Philippine citizenship, granting them the rights and privileges of being Filipino citizens while keeping their foreign citizenship.

In 2024, the embassy said it approved 3,235 dual citizenship applications, the «highest» number in its history.

«This highlights the growing interest among Filipinos in the United States to maintain their ties with the Philippines while embracing their US citizenship,» it added.

The embassy said it «remains committed to supporting the Filipino and Filipino-American community and looks forward to more milestones that celebrate the unique journeys of Filipino nationals abroad.»


The number of Filipino Americans, mostly the elderly, who have sought «dual citizenship» has steadily increased in recent years, the embassy said in October 2022.

In 2016, the embassy received 1,009 applications for dual citizenship,1,257 in 2017, 1,391 in 2018,1,536 in 2019, 653 in 2020, 2,653 in 2021, and 2,183 from January to September 2022.

Most Filipino Americans who apply for dual citizenship are elderly and retirees and come from the states of Florida and Virginia.

There are many reasons why they sought dual citizenship. «One is they want to go back to the Philippines and retire there,» the embassy said.