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AFP probes possible military use of submersible drone

MANILA, Philippines — While the underwater drone recovered by fishermen in the waters off Masbate appears to be meant for research or civilian use, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is not discounting the possibility that the device may have military applications.

The Philippine Navy said a thorough forensic investigation is being conducted on the drone, which may take two months to complete.

The military yesterday said it was not the first time that a submersible drone was found in Philippine waters, although previous finds were mere bits and pieces of a similar device recovered in the waters near Northern Islands and the country’s eastern seaboard. The latest appears to be a more complete device.

“While initial observation suggests that it may be a submersible use for scientific research or fish tracking, alternative perspectives point to possible military applications,” Navy spokesman John Percie Alcos said. “It is important to emphasize two things: that the Philippine Navy is on top of the situation, and we are taking this very, very seriously.”

Alcos gave assurance that updates would be provided as forensic analysis on the device marked HY-119 progresses. He said it may take six to eight weeks to determine the drone’s purpose and technical specifications.

“The analysis will examine the object’s physical structure, electronic components, power source and any possible stored data,” Alcos said.

Earlier, Rear Admiral Roy Vincent Trinidad, Navy spokesman for the West Philippine Sea, said the colors in the device – yellow, red or orange – are typically used for scientific research or fishing purposes.

Trinidad said the equipment is designed to gather bathymetric data, or those that pertain to the depth, salinity and temperature of the water.

“In today’s world, that information crisscrosses different dimensions. What is useful for academic and commercial purposes as well as for scientific research also has military applications,” Trinidad said.