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DA chief approves import of 1,520 goats, 4,310 sheep

Agriculture Secretary Francisco P. Tiu Laurel Jr. has approved the importation of 1,520 breeder goats and 4,310 sheep to restock and upgrade local herds, primarily in Mindanao.

The imported animals, which will help improve the genetic quality of local livestock, are part of efforts to strengthen the country’s goat and sheep farming sectors.

The goats—comprising 155 Anglo Nubian bucks, 175 Boer bucks, and 1,190 Boer does—will be distributed to nucleus and multiplier farms in Barili, Cebu, and Makilala, North Cotabato. Meanwhile, the sheep, including 260 Dorper rams and 4,050 Dorper ewes, will be allocated for distribution in North Cotabato.

The Department of Agriculture (DA) has yet to schedule the bidding for the animal importation, but funding for the goat and sheep purchases has already been secured under the 2024 budget. The imported small ruminants must be delivered within 90 days from the issuance of the notice of award by the DA’s National Livestock Program.

To meet the required standards, the goats and sheep must be between 6 and 15 months old. Goats must weigh at least 35 kilos for bucks and 30 kilos for does after quarantine, while sheep must weigh at least 40 kilos for rams and 35 kilos for ewes. The imported sheep must be full-blooded and come from registered farms.

Anglo Nubian goats are highly valued for their meat, milk, and hide production, though they are not heavy milk producers. Boer goats, primarily raised for meat, are among the most sought-after livestock breeds. Breeder goats from the U.S. can sell for anywhere between USD800 to USD5,000 depending on quality. Meanwhile, Dorper sheep, known for their rapid growth and excellent meat production, typically sell for around USD500 to USD1500 each.

This importation is part of ongoing efforts to boost the Philippines’ livestock industry, ensuring better quality herds and more sustainable meat production in the future. Raising small ruminants such as goats and sheep could supplement farmers income, generate employment and support food security efforts. ###