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'Influencers' agree: House disinfo hearing upholds free speech, social media needs regulation

MANILA, Philippines — At the House Tri-Committee hearing on disinformation, present content creators and vloggers agreed with lawmakers that content regulation is needed on social media.

Of over 40 social media users invited, several of whom had thousands of followers and expressed support for the Duterte family, only three attended the first hearing on Tuesday, February 4. 

Some of these resource persons have been fact-checked for false, inaccurate or misleading claims. 

In the excuse letters of those absent, some declined the invitation arguing that the hearing violated their freedom of speech, some saying the legislative inquiry was unconstitutional.     

“The reason that their freedom of speech is being curtailed cannot be used. You were invited here to express your views as well. Isn't this the proper exercise of freedom of expression?” Rep. Robert Ace Barbers (Surigao del Norte, 2nd District) said in Filipino. 

He asked political strategist Malou Tiquia, one of the invited social media influencers, whether she believed the hearing had breached their right to freedom of expression and speech.   

“The fact that I agreed to appear and honor your invitation, and I was given the chance to say what I want to say, I don’t think that is a curtailment of my right to expression,” Tiquia said.

She also agreed with Barbers that legislation is needed to enforce discipline and create a regulatory framework for content on social media.

“To directly respond to Congressman Barbers, yes, for the simple reason that the decency of the space has been grossed so much. So, yes,” Tiquia said, adding that some statements online are actually slanderous and libelous. 

Vlogger Marc Louie Gamboa also said in Filipino: “We should also look for ways to minimize or prohibit [disinformation] without curtailing everyone’s freedom of speech.” 

Barbers also clarified that the hearing did not only invite the vloggers and social media users to the hearing. The Tri-Comm has also invited experts and members of the academe who have studied the proliferation of disinformation in the country. 

The joining committee also invited representatives of major social media platforms like Facebook and