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MTRCB: Review for Pepsi Paloma film put on hold

(UPDATE) THE Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) said on Wednesday that the Pepsi Paloma film is currently not under review because of incomplete requirements.

In a statement, MTRCB Vice Chairman Paulino Cases Jr. said that the board's registration unit could not accept the materials that the representative of Pinoyflix had submitted because the Legal Affairs Division required the distributor to provide a Certificate or Clearance of No Pending Criminal, Civil, or Administrative Case from the Department of Justice, the Office of the City Prosecutor and the Regional Trial Court.

«As part of the standard review process, the MTRCB Legal Affairs Division has formally communicated with the film's distributor, PinoyFlix Films and Entertainment Production, with regard to the missing requirements,» Cases said.

«This is to ensure that there will be no violation of Presidential Decree 1986 and its Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR),» he added.

He noted that the MTRCB consists of 30 board members, the vice chairman and the chairman.

All applications are assessed by a committee of three board members, with a second review committee of five members if necessary.

«Each film undergoes a rigorous and meticulous review process that evaluates every detail against the standards set by Presidential Decree No. 1986,» Cases said.


«The MTRCB will not tolerate any misinformation or false narrative that seeks to discredit the Agency and undermine its mandate to protect the public interest,» he added.

Pepsi Paloma's life story is being brought to the big screen in a biographical crime drama written and directed by Darryl Yap.

For their part, PinoyFlix Films and Entertainment Production shared the memo sent by the MTRCB's Legal Affairs Division, along with a post script, on their Facebook page.

«Hoping to make it before February 5 for the theatrical screening schedule,» PinoyFlix said in their social media post.