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P1 million worth shabu seized in South Cotabato police operation

COTABATO CITY — Non-uniformed policemen seized P1 million worth of shabu from six peddlers arrested in a nighttime anti-narcotics operation in Tupi, South Cotabato on Wednesday, January 8.

Brig. Gen. Arnold Ardiente, director of the Police Regional Office-12, told reporters on Friday, January 10, that the suspects were immediately detained after selling P1 million worth of shabu to policemen in a tradeoff in Purok 14 in Barangay Poblacion in Tupi.

Ardiente said the operation that led to their arrest was laid by officials and personnel of the Tupi Municipal Police Station, led by Major Rovi Jardinel, and combined operatives from PRO-12 and the South Cotabato Provincial Police Office.

One of the six suspects who fell in the entrapment operation, which local officials supported, is a minor, now in the custody of the Tupi local government’s social welfare office.