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TNVS drivers appeal govt plan to slash surge fees

Transport Network Vehicle Services (TNVS) drivers called on the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to hold dialogues regarding its plan to reduce surge fees by 50 percent.

The TNVS Community Philippines (TCP) said in a statement that reducing surge fees could substantially slash the take home pay of drivers and result in losses due to the high costs of fuel and the traffic gridlock in Metro Manila.

It appealed to the LTFRB to conduct a dialogue with drivers because the plan «affects their lives.»

The group asked the agency to study the program that it plans to implement since it will affect thousands of families.


«The new regulation would have a great effect on the take home pay of TNVS drivers who always go through the traffic situation this December. The TNVS drivers will be at a loss here due to gas, the boundary and other expenses,» the TCP said in a statement.

«Due to the sudden decision to bring down the surge fee, there are no other people who are at a loss except the drivers,» it added.


Surge fees, the group said, were the only means by which TNVS drivers could recoup their losses. It reminded the LTFRB that the surge fees were fully compliant with the regulations set by the government board itself.

«Because of the surge fees, we can get a certain degree of income for Christmas. The model and ceiling in the surge pricing is actually based on the regulation of the LTFRB,» the TCP said.