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Don't bring kids to cemeteries – DoH

THE Department of Health (DoH) on Monday urged the public not to bring small children to cemeteries to keep them from getting injuries and catching diseases.

«I am advising parents and caregivers not to bring small children to cemeteries, as overcrowding and intense heat and sudden unexpected downpour may cause diseases to small children,» Health Secretary Teodoro Herbosa said in a statement.

Herbosa noted that while Covid-19 cases are plateauing nationwide, the threat of the disease is still present.

«There are still sporadic cases and increasing cases in some regions. Also, small children [have] low resistance against infections,» he said.

Herbosa also cautioned against buying unsafe food or drinks.

«We can all prevent contracting diseases when visiting our dearly departed loved ones. Let us be responsible with our actions and make our visit solemn,» he said.

The DoH advised cemetery-goers to plan their visit and bring their own water and food to ensure their safety and prevent diseases.