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WATCH: Gabbi Garcia joins makeup transformation trend as Sang’gre Alena

MANILA, Philippines — Actress Gabbi Garcia joined in on the viral makeup transformation video trend by changing into her "Encantadia" character Sang'gre Alena.

Gabbi posted on her social media accounts the video of her take on the makeup transformation trend circulating online.

The green-clad actress began with the subtle application of makeup, a quick wearing of green sleeves, and then displaying Sang’gre Alena's head piece and sword.

"Avisala, Sang'gre Alena. E correi diu. Hopping on the trend!! Hope it's not too late," Gabbi wrote in the post's caption.

She even encouraged her "Encantadia" co-stars Kylia Padilla, Glaiza de Castro, and Sanya Lopez to create similar videos like hers.

Among those who lauded Gabbi's makeup transformation entry were Bianca Umali, Angelique Manto, Adrian Lindayag, Mark Reyes, and Lady Gagita.

Glaiza and Sanya both praised their co-star in the comments section, only for fans to implore the two actresses to join in the trend too.

RELATED:  'We'll see': Gabbi Garcia on childhood dream of joining Miss Universe