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IKON, Tokyo Kitatama hold karate camp

MANILA, Philippines – The International Karate Organization Nakamura (IKON) Philippines and Tokyo Kitatama branches held a joint international seminar with over 150 participants on one of the essential components of karate — kata (form) the other weekend.

Led by Shihan Akari Hagiwara, 2023 Grand Slam Champion from Japan and IKON Tokyo Kitatama Branch Chief, the seminar titled Akari Hagiwara Kata Seminar tackled important kata aspects such as form, power, speed, eye contact, fighting rhythm, and kiai (convergence of energy released through a shout uttered to accent action).

“I think everyone who is being taught real karate by that teacher (IKON Philippines Branch Chief Sensei Victor Canon) is very happy. I believe that true karate is not just about technique, it’s about strengthening your body and mind in a positive way,” Shihan Hagiwara said.

During the seminar, Shihan Hagiwara highlighted the consistent training of kihon (fundamentals) to emphasize stances, strikes, intent of movement, and focus on improving kata performance.

Among the katas studied during the seminar were Taikyoku Sono Ichi, and Pinan Sono Ichi for the white belts to yellow striped belts; and Pinan Sono Yon, Kanku, and Seienchin for green belts to black belts.

Significant portions of the kata were also trained and corrected like the zenkutsu dachi gedan barai chudan tsuki (execution of forward stance followed by a downward block and mid-level reverse punch) in Taikyoku Sono Ichi, and the mae geri (front kick) and yoko geri (side kick) in Kanku through conditioning drills.

Meanwhile, Sensei Canon expressed gratitude for the knowledge and opportunity for kata coaching and student learning through IKON Tokyo Kitatama Branch Chief Shihan Hagiwara.

“We thank IKON Tokyo Kitatama for imparting invaluable lessons in improving kata, self-discipline, and strengthening camaraderie between IKON Philippines and IKON Japan through the art and science of karate,” Sensei Canon said.

More events like this can further grow the sport and enhance our chances of developing future champions.