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Bye dysmenorrhea, other perks that come with pregnancy

MANILA, Philippines — Women have different reactions when they find out that they are pregnant. For those who experience sensitive or difficult pregnancies, there is a certain degree of fear.

It is the same for those who have suffered a miscarriage and for those who are not yet ready to become mothers, whether it be due to age, financial status or emotional readiness.

But in most cases, news of pregnancy are received with much joy and anticipation. Despite the discomforts that come with pregnancy, such as “morning sickness,” the coming of a child is always welcome news.

 What’s more: Pregnancy actually comes with a number of perks.

 According to Martin P. Manahan, MD, of Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed)’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, some changes driven by childbirth are great for the mom’s body and mindset. 

“Since the health of the mom highly affects that of the child, most women also take this time as an opportunity to modify their lifestyle into a healthier one,” said Dr. Manahan. “The responsibility of motherhood and the desire to ensure the health of their baby motivates moms to adopt better choices and behaviors.”

More than this very important change, pregnancy also results in the following:

Many women find that they get less painful menstrual cramps after giving birth.  

“Dysmenorrhea goes away with pregnancy, regardless of the type of childbirth," said Dr. Manahan. 

Mothers-to-be aren’t the only ones unleashing hormones at this stage.

“That little bun in the oven is producing the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Together with its mom’s hormones, it may explain the ramped-up sex drive,” revealed Dr. Manahan.

For moms, knowing that they’re already pregnant, eases any tension, allowing them to fully enjoy intimacy with their significant other. 

“From breast, ovarian, and endometrial cancers, to multiple sclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, pregnancy is said to reduce your chances of developing these life-threatening diseases,” the doctor shared Dr. Manahan.

“When you’re pregnant, you get your period less, which cuts your exposure to estrogen and progesterone, hormones that trigger cell growth, boosting a woman’s risk of